Are you a content maker looking to cooperate with Owlcat Games?

To apply, emailstarrok@owlcat.gameszhdanova@owlcat.gamesor contactStarrok#4978Necessary#7898on Discord to join our OWLmates partnership program!

Partner type
Text bloggers, and fanfic writers
Creation of a series of posts, fanfics, stories, or articles about our games that are well received, known in the community, and widely discussed.
Reviewer, video bloggers
10,000+ subs and 10,000+ views of videos about our games.
Modmakers and forum/wiki administrators
Creation and support of a mod in the top-10 list, or running a site, discord, subreddit, forum, or wiki about our games that is recognized by the community.
Artists, animators, cosplayers
Creation of high-quality art and cosplay content that we’ve highlighted at least once or used in our games.
Composers, voice actors, cover makers
Creation of high-quality sound and music content that we’ve highlighted at least once or used in our games.
Regular streams about our games with an average of 50+ viewers.
Text bloggers, and fanfic writers
Creation of a series of posts, fanfics, stories, or articles about our games that are well received, known in the community, and widely discussed.
Reviewer, video bloggers
10,000+ subs and 10,000+ views of videos about our games.
Access to a private Discord server
A club of like-minded people
Direct contact with the developers
Automatic access to all of our beta programs
Events and competitions for club members
Conferences and collaborative projects
Keys for giveaways
Assets for streams with club logos and art
* Owlcat Games reserves the right to accept applicants into the partnership program regardless of these requirements if they have a history of cooperation with the studio, have participated in our events, or have done something notable for us. We also reserve the right to elevate members with an exceptionally large audience as well as members who have provided us with extraordinary assistance to Gold status in the partnership program, which has additional benefits.



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All Titles, Content, Brand Names, Trademarks, Logos, Artwork, And Associated Imagery Are Trademarks And/Or Copyright Material Of Their Respective Owners.